понедельник, 31 декабря 2012 г.

Happy New Year

This year I drown many Christmas cards for our friends.
This two are the most funny :-)


понедельник, 10 декабря 2012 г.

Martha's drawing :-)

Martha drew this couple days ago :-)

среда, 5 декабря 2012 г.

ink beads

My first try of DAS modeling clay.
Nice try I hope :-)

суббота, 1 декабря 2012 г.

end of Fall

Fall is ending.
It's a little bit sad, but in the same time it means that Winter is coming.
With snow, ice, frost, and Christmas!

I draw this Fall picture in our art studio last week.
We have many pumpkins there of different shapes and colors.
Very interesting to draw.

pumpkins and apples
oil pastels on color paper,
30 x 42 sm